Project Management

MBA Essentials

Harald Meier, Herman Blom, Frank C. Maikranz, Rüdiger Meyer, Torsten Stein, Frank Weber , IfTQ-Cert International Institute for Training Quality Certification (Ed.) (Hrsg.)

Wirtschaft & Management


190 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783757852887

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.10.2023

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Project management, MBA Essentials, Corporate Organization, Intercultural Project Management, Leadership

19,90 €

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Companies are increasingly developing into dynamic and project-oriented organizations. Globalization, innovations and organizational dynamics require more and more projects, and thus a more project-oriented corporate organization and management. As a rule, managers as well as employees already work parallel to their line function in projects or completely from project to project.
At the same time, cross-company and especially international value chains lead to the cooperation of cross-departamental and intercultural teams. For this, the specialists and executives need above all knowledge and experience in project management and the corresponding concepts as well as in the special form of cooperation, team development and communication. Because the most problems in project management are not caused by project goals and methods, but by the many different problem-solving behavior and attitudes, e.g. between engineers and business people, different departments or the different country cultures. The international IT project specialist Tom DeMarco puts it in a nutshell (in Peopleware - Productive Projects and Teams: The major problems of our work are not so much technological as socio-logical in nature. In terms of content here, in contrast to traditional professional textbooks, not only the technologies are priority, but also the social and intercultural aspects of project work.
The book is aimed equally at students of all disciplines with a focus on managerial and project-related work as well as practitioners and entrepreneurs in all private business sectors as well as in NGOs, public projects or PPPs as public-private partnership.
Harald Meier

Harald Meier

Professor Harald Meier, studies in Business Administration and Economics and PhD, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, after commercial vocational training working in banks, consulting, further education and NGOs in Germany and abroad, founder of the International Institute for Training Quality Certification (IfTQ-Cert) and working for certification agencies in the academic and professional educational sector world-wide.


Herman Blom

Herman Blom

Professor Herman Blom, studies in Sociology and Philosophy and PhD, long-time head of study program IBS Hanzehogeschool Groningen/NL, currently Professor and Director Academic Affairs NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden/NL, lecturing at University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, author of books and articles on methodology of practice-oriented research and international HR Management.

Frank C. Maikranz

Frank C. Maikranz

Dipl. Kfm. Dipl. Vw. Frank C. Maikranz, studies of Economics and Business Administration, university lecturer and director of CENTIM (Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs) at University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Author of regarding articles and books, and as an entrepreneurship expert accompanying start-ups, company takeovers and sales for many years.

Rüdiger Meyer

Rüdiger Meyer

Dipl. Soz Rüdiger Meyer, studies in sociology, founder and long-time managing director of FLOCERT (Fairtrade certification company), managing director of EDGE Foundation/CH, today accreditation council SAAS/US, co-founder and managing director of Ecosystem Value Association e.V., lecturer for Social Business at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.

Torsten Stein

Torsten Stein

Professor Torsten Stein, studies in economics and PhD, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, before at i+o project manager for industrial planning and organization (today: io-consultants), several guest lecturers at universities in Germany and abroad, e.g. at Namibia University of Science and Technology/Windhook, author of journal and book articles.

Frank Weber

Frank Weber

Professor Frank Weber, PhD, at FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, studies in Business Administration, many years experi-ences in research, consulting and project management e.g. in environmental and sustainability management, publications, lecturer for organization e.g. at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, work and research priorities: sustainability and innovation management, transformation, systemic methods.

IfTQ-Cert International Institute for Training Quality Certification (Ed.)

IfTQ-Cert International Institute for Training Quality Certification (Ed.) (Hrsg.)

IfTQ-Cert, based in Bonn/Germany, is a private academic institute to advise and certify Quality Standards in training programs and methodology, train-the-trainer qualification, and in entrepreneurship and management training - following international ISO quality norms beyond national standards, incl. socio-cultural customization in the various training environment, cultures, and individual needs.
IfTQ-Cert is based on many years of experience in entrepreneurship training in developing regions, e.g. in India and Sub-Sahara Africa for the underprivileged in rural areas, or for migrants in Germany as well. We always work in collaboration with local and international NGOs, institutes, and universities to keep best-practise concepts to foster qualitative sustainable livelihood.
IfTQ-Cert works non-profit-oriented and often honorary, all members and network staff have years of international experiences in training programs in private business, in social Business, and/or NGOs incl. academic research and publications, particularly in rural or precarious areas and living situations too.
Mission: Education and Qualification are core issues in human and society's cultural and economic development. People in precarious living conditions in slums or rural areas as illiterates or migrants all have the right to get state-of-the-art standards in education, training, and self-improvement in programs like Youth or Migrant Entrepreneurship, SHGs, or Agricultural Business Improvement.

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