Building Military Science for the Benefit of Society

International Society of Military Sciences

Christoph Bilban (Hrsg.), Wolfgang Peischel (Hrsg.)

Gesellschaft, Politik & Medien


400 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783967760170

Verlag: Miles-Verlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.08.2020

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: strategy, Operational Art, Deterrence, NATO, Hybrid warfare

34,80 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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The present book not only illustrates the ISMS Conference's objectives and presents the contents of the lectures, but also expands on them through further in-depth contributions; the results of academic research carried out on the Conference topic,
both across disciplines and ISMS member states, are thus further illuminated. The book intends to provide teachers with a guide to possible developments in the field of military science and students with greater insights into its objectives and principles.
The key question is what added value, what kind of USP military science could furnish for society, what specific support not already covered by other scientific disciplines or
organizations? If it were only the science of organizing, structuring and commanding armed forces, it would not be necessary to define and establish an independent
scientific discipline; the military itself could accomplish all that in the required quality by itself. What would give legitimacy to an independent discipline called Military Science, is a comprehensive (i.e. not only military-strategic) organic
collection of primarily intellectual capabilities, safeguarding the secure, long-term survival of the state and its people thus contributing to the benefit of society.
In order to increase the publication's academic value and to provide authors with an additional incentive to contribute in future, the book was subjected to a peer review

No authors available.

Christoph Bilban

Christoph Bilban (Hrsg.)

BA MA (born 1991)
researches conflicts and international crisis
and conflict management in the area of the
former Soviet Union. He has a focus on
Ukraine. In addition his research deals with
Russian as well as Ukrainian and Belarusian
national security and foreign policy. His
further research interests are doctrines of
and developments in the Russian armed
forces. He holds a MA in Political Science and
a BA in Russian Studies from the University of

Wolfgang Peischel

Wolfgang Peischel (Hrsg.)

From 1991 until 1994 Education as a
General Staff Officer. 1991 until 1997
Studies of Political Science; Commanding
Officer of the Light Infantry Regiment Wien;
From 2002 until 2008 Head of the Group
Structure and Program Planning at the
Ministry of Defence; since 2009 Editor in
Chief of the ÖMZ (Austrian Military Journal);
in March 2015 completed his PhD Studies in
Military Science; since 2015 President of
EMPA (European Military Press Association);
November 2018 until November 2019
President of the International Society for
Military Sciences (ISMS); Lecturer at the
Master's program Strategic Security
Management of the Security Academy

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