A book for teaching and self-learning, "Between the Signs" is particularly useful for interpreters as it will guide you towards acquiring a note-taking technique that is faster than writing, associative and language-independent. With the help of "Between the Signs", learn how to develop your own pictograms and symbols, how to structure your notes efficiently, and practise note-taking alone as well as in groups. Teachers and learners will benefit from the exercises that include practical illustrations of suggested signs and symbols, as well as from references to relevant literature.
"Zwischen den Zeichen", this book's German precursor, was published in 2015 and has since been used for teaching and research purposes at numerous institutions throughout Europe, e.g. in Norway and Hungary, Portugal and Italy. It is now followed by "Between the Signs", not strictly a translation, but rather an adapted version written in English to reach an even larger audience.
Judith S. Farwick ist seit über 25 Jahren als Dolmetscherin und Dozentin tätig. In ihren Recherchen, Veröffentlichungen und Vorträgen befasst sie sich mit Kommunikationskonzepten, insbesondere bildhafter Notation und Gesprächstechniken. Im Vordergrund steht für sie immer der Praxisbezug, konkret die Vermittlung effektiver Werkzeuge für erfolgreiche Verständigung. Die Autorin veröffentlich in ihrem Speednotes-Blog regelmäßig Beispiele für Bildzeichen und Notizen, die sich für das konsekutive Dolmetschen eignen.
Judith S. Farwick has been working as a conference interpreter for over 25 years. She is also a freelance coach and trainer for young people aspiring to become interpreters. Her research focuses on visual language and its use to improve communication skills. In the course of her teaching she wrote this book about interpreters' note-taking and how to learn it. Many further examples can be found on her Speednotes-Blog.
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